Explore the DeSo blockchain

DeSo is the first & only censorship-resistant layer-1 blockchain purpose-built to power storage-heavy apps and scale decentralized social networks for mass adoption.

New & Active Users

Network Activity

Asset Activity

Social Activity

What's stored on-chain?

Content, Identity & Social Activity
All identity, profiles and social graphs are fully on-chain, including actions such as posts, messages (E2EE), likes, comments, follows & reactions are also on-chain.
Creator Coins, Tips & Social NFTs
All creator coins, tipping and NFT activity are fully on-chain, including auctions, royalties, splits, and exclusive content. Soon, media assets will be stored on-chain too.
All Token & DEX Activity
All order-book functionality, including limit orders, are stored on-chain. Projects can fundraise, trade and launch tokens via openfund.com, which is built on DeSo.

This is all possible thanks to DeSo's infinite-state blockchain. Learn More

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DeFi Leaderboard

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